(식재료팁) 당근 칼로리 효능 손질법 보관방법까지!

Mahua Sarkar, Pixabay

Carrot, a rabbit friend, is often found next to a rabbit character, which is known as a representative food for rabbits, but in fact, it is said that it is too sugary to be a staple food.Let’s find out how carrots work and how to keep them.Chapter.1 Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene.As is well known, Chapter.2 care, which is good for eye health and is effective in preventing aging, improving immunity, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis, is rich in beta-caromine and should not be removed if possible.Cut out the upper ridge with carrot stems and wash only the thin soil outside with running water.peel off with potato peeler if you don’t like it

klimkin, 출처 Pixabay

Chapter.3 How to Store Unwashed Soil Carrot Wrap in Newspaper and Store in Shade and Cool Place Clean Carrot Drain, Seal and Refrigerate) Cut Carrot Wrap in Water, Wrap in Wrap Chapter 4 Calories Carrot Calories Based on 100g 34kcal Chapter 5 Good Carrot Orange, Smooth Surface, Harder Conditions

Jonathan Pierre-Meyer pl アン pl Unsplash


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