Hello, I’m Shinsegae Ophthalmology.Cataracts, an eye disease that many elderly people experience, are accompanied by various symptoms such as blurred vision or blurred vision.If cataracts interfere with your daily life, you have to consider cataract surgery. Today, I’m going to explain the cause of cataract and the operation process as well as the special difference between Mokpo cataract surgery and Shinsegae ophthalmology. cause of cataract
Before investigating the cataract surgery process, let’s first investigate the cause of the cataract.Symptoms of blurred or cloudy eyes due to cataracts are caused by the turbidity of the lens in the eye.This is a natural symptom caused by eye aging, and when the lens ages, it becomes muddy and hard.The aging lens is difficult to recover naturally, so the symptoms of cataracts do not improve significantly, so the cataract that has progressed to a certain extent will be improved by surgery. cataract surgery process

Cataract surgery is performed by removing a cloudy lens and inserting an artificial lens.In order to remove the existing lens, it is necessary to make an incision into the lens capsule, but at this time, the cataract surgery will be more complete if the lens capsule is cut without any errors. Surgery equipment where Mokpo cataract surgery is good
Among the various devices for incision into the lens capsule, laser surgery is now known to have made the most progress.Laser equipment, also known as CATALYS, complements the possibility of errors when performing surgery using eyes, hands, and knives in general surgery.3DOCT and laser measurements up to micron units to reduce the likelihood of side effects and shorten recovery time.In addition, the incision site is fixed through a 120° multi-faceted incision to prevent complications such as secondary infection.The Catalis laser system has been approved by the U.S. FDA, the European CE, and the Korea Food and Drug Administration, and is a safe device widely used worldwide. Mokpo Cataract Surgical Site Type of Artificial Crystal

When inserting an artificial lens after cutting the lens sac to remove the cloudy lens, the patient can choose which one to insert according to his lifestyle.The artificial lens used in cataract surgery is available in a variety of ways, including synergy, lissatree, fine vision, and techniclareon pan-optics.
Shinsegae Ophthalmology, which is good at Mokpo cataract surgery, has accumulated cataract surgery know-how for a long time, including more than 20 years of experience in cataract surgery, 60,000 cases in total, and more than 3,500 cases (2021.1 standard).Through this, we achieve high success rates and low side effects, building trust and trust in patients.If you are good at Mokpo cataract surgery and would like more detailed information about cataract surgery at Shinsegae Ophthalmology, please contact Shinsegae Ophthalmology website at 1566-9988 and we will guide you more quickly.Thank you.50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, Old City, Country

Shinsegae Ophthalmology Clinic Reservations for 92 Jukbong-daero, Seo-gu, Gwangju
Shinsegae Ophthalmology Clinic Reservations for 92 Jukbong-daero, Seo-gu, Gwangju

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